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[成历|西玉]棋手 英文版 001(3)

2024-04-11英语成龙历险记西木小玉西玉棋手 来源:百合文库
“But Sensei, the eight doors have all been closed. How did Hsi Wu manage to get out?”
“Phut!” Uncle knocked Tohru on the head, “there’s more than one way to leave the Netherworld. Portals may be not required.”
“Then Uncle, can we send Hsi Wu back through the portal?” asked Jackie.
“Didn’t understand me? The door has been closed! Uncle must think up another method to seal Hsi Wu into the Netherworld.” Uncle said, sprinkling powder on the ground. “Uncle’s magic can prevent Hsi Wu from escaping, but it’s not so easy to send him back…”

[成历|西玉]棋手 英文版 001

“Yes, Sensei…”
After Jackie and others walked away, turned the corner, and were out of sight, Hsi Wu looked around to check his situation.
He was locked in a cell with thick iron chains tying his hands, feet, and wings. He was probably locked in Section 13. But that didn’t matter. At least he had been back to the human world.
“This time it won’t be so easy to send me back.”

[成历|西玉]棋手 英文版 001
