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别t m煽情了(2)

2024-03-27幽默段子 来源:百合文库
when I've done my night work, I was very hungry. I can eat three bowl of fried egg rice once. thankfully, that only cost four Yuan, and you can add fried egg rice for free. 
although I ate three bowl of fried egg rice, I was too shy to go to that spot and say:" add more!....... can I ? pleeease ".
but when i hesitated, the middle-age woman suggested me to come there with her hand and call me "come on, boy". i was so touched. I mean I'm just a common boy, but she was so nice to me, how can i repay her....... when i was about to cry. i hear that middle-age woman said: "come on, young boy, I have looked at you so long, you should come here quickly, give you the rest, i can go to rest. " she seemed unhappy.......

别t m煽情了
