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【双语】fulgur×uki 午夜限定(2)

2024-03-26ukipsyborgfulgurfulgurovid 来源:百合文库
Uki turned his head and planted a kiss on the side of Fugur's face with a drunken intent that was about to overflow, and said in a sweet and gentle tone: "You know, I like you more." Uki said and lifted the wine glass, the red liquid running down his lips, his neck slowly flowing down, seeing that it was about to flow into his clothes.

【双语】fulgur×uki 午夜限定

"Fufuchan..." Before uki's tail note, fugur leaned his head against the man's throat and licked the wine on his skin, along his flushed lips, his throat knot, his collar, uki did not continue speaking, but turned to fugur and hooked his neck, saying: "Continue." 
Fulgur picked him up and put him on the table, caressed the corner of the man's lips with his fingers, put his hand behind his ear, and said in a dumb voice, "Do you know what is better than wine?" 

【双语】fulgur×uki 午夜限定
