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外语小说编写神器—Reedsy Editor(4)

Front Matter SectionFor the other buttons on the right of the page, they are: 
1. Goals: Goals section help you create targets of how many words you want to write for the book or how many words do you want to write in a phrase. Moreover, it shows the reading time and word count for every chapter that you wrote.
Goals and Insights page2. Suggestions and track changes: You can mark the sections that you want to check again or highlight the parts you want to comment and they will all show up in the “Suggestions” section. Meanwhile, if you toggled “Track Changes”, it will mark up every word you’ve changed in a chapter and put them in the suggestions area. This way, it is very easy to revert your work to any version word by word. 

外语小说编写神器—Reedsy Editor

Suggestions and Track Changes3. Writing Timeline: This is where you can recall all the big changes in your book/passage. It can recall every version of your book by paragraph or any other changes to the title or the main parts of the chapter. Meanwhile, you will just have to press the version that you want to revert to, and press “Restore this version” to get the version of the chapter you wrote.