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The War of the Solar System(2)

2024-03-26原创科幻 来源:百合文库
The first settlers reached the northern continent of Venus in the year 0065... Since then, Venus has been one of the colonies controlled by the Earth Federation.
Cosmic calendar year 0123, March 15, Venus colony, the city of Atro.
The setting sun is like blood. The original should still be a very young planet, but it seems to welcome the old man in the twilight of the general. In the red sky, the huge city actually seems a little lifeless.

The War of the Solar System

Fang Zhiyun is only an 18-year-old unemployed youth. The family runs a hydroponic farm with thousands of acres of land. He is the second son of the family.
As for why Fang Zhiyun became unemployed, it has to start with one thing.
Fang Zhiyun, who was born on a hydroponic farm, was not adapted to everything at home and even hated it..He hated everything on the farm, even if it was all the scenery he was familiar with..But maybe it was because he hated everything on the farm...

The War of the Solar System
