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Chapter 1 The Battle of Palan Plain

2024-03-26历史玄幻青年视角金戈铁马中世纪 来源:百合文库

Chapter 1 The Battle of Palan Plain

On the 24th of August 1217, on the plain of Palan, west of the fort of Tran, two very large armies were facing each other. On the invading side was the Andal Empire, the great power of the northwest continent, under the flag of the golden eagle, while on the defending side was the old power, the Kingdom of Lotland, with its blue and golden iris.
The golden double-headed eagle is the symbol of the Andal Empire, meaning power and wealth. In the red sea of the Andals, you can also see from time to time the ornate shields representing the royal family of the Andals, the flags of the black eagle on a red background and the gray rhinoceros on a red background, as well as many other noble flags of different kinds, symbolizing different families.

Chapter 1 The Battle of Palan Plain
