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[HP]薄荷糖情人 韦斯莱双子x你(2)(2)

One night, you were sitting at the observatory chatting. Suddenly, a stupid owl appeared from nowhere and flew straight over your head. The boy who had already raised your head quickly pulled you into his arms. Later, you forgot how you came back to your bedroom. You just felt your deafening heartbeat and the boy's warm and soft lips.

[HP]薄荷糖情人 韦斯莱双子x你(2)

Then one day you sat in the Slytherin lounge and heard two girls whispering, "I heard that the Weasley twins smell mint, but the younger brother smells milk, and the older brother smells candy..."
The changing taste of youth is like a fog dispersed by the autumn wind, which is already clear and self-evident. The boy who makes you feel excited at the dance is not George who has always been in love with him, but Fred. Maybe it was unintentional at first, but later it may not have been intentional. In short, you have been dating not one person, but two Weasley brothers. So you find George and Fred. "Why don't you tell me you've got the wrong person? What should I do now?" Then you looked up at George and Fred.