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【赛马娘同人文】Grazing Unyield 英文部分2(10)

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库
I will be by her side to the end of the world, no matter what...
No matter what...
Smashing my head heavily to the keyboard before me, dullness echoed with the crisp sound of chip instant coffee cans rolling off the table.
My spirit, which relied on the same cheap caffeine, felt that shaky.
How many days had passed?
No, no, time doesn't matter, for the result hadn't changed even a fraction from when it started.

【赛马娘同人文】Grazing Unyield 英文部分2

I could only read the logs in my memories again.
The two weeks after doc's emergency operation, I, who still lingered in terror of that unnaturally twisted angle, denied all her request for a workout. Only the frequent messages could relax her stiff muscles.
An overdose of calcium of vitamin D via a large amount of krill and fish oil was also added as a mandatory to her daily meal.

【赛马娘同人文】Grazing Unyield 英文部分2
