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【赛马娘同人文】Grazing Unyield 英文部分2(30)

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库
Using the energy left within me, I suppressed my sense of collapse. Squeezing out a calm sentence to answer the intruder.
"At least make some eye contact...Is this how you treat someone who keeps your secret?"
The voice answered, clearly with a hint of dissatisfaction.
"Keep...my secret?"
"Tracen is a lot more than cameras you tried to hide from, remember? 

【赛马娘同人文】Grazing Unyield 英文部分2

The walls, the smooth coating and special heights...they were not a blockade to horse girls but are certainly to humans; they work particularly well against thievery."
"Yet somehow you've passed them."
"Besides, this long of a work trip that you've applied is quite impractical even with the student council working all excuses...
And who do you think cares about Teio the most other than you? 

【赛马娘同人文】Grazing Unyield 英文部分2
