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Miscellaneous Records #1: A Dialogue in the Dorm

Miscellaneous Records #1: A Dialogue in the Dorm

Silverash watched Exusiai as she walked into the dorm. "Another tiring 24 hour shift, Exusiai?" He asked.
Exusiai, tired but by no means in a low mood, smiled at Silverash and nodded. "Indeed, bro! That old boy sure enjoys putting Lappland, Texas and I together to maximize production!"
Silverash nodded as he watched Texas walk into the dorm. She was exhausted, judging from the expression on her face, she had not enjoyed her day-long stay with Lappland. Silverash beckoned Exusiai forward and gestured her to sit beside him. "Why isn't Lappland with you two?" In a low voice Silverash asked Exusiai.

Miscellaneous Records #1: A Dialogue in the Dorm
