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FlowerFell番外篇 Anything For You(6)(11)

2023-12-20UndertaleflowerfellFlowerFell 来源:百合文库

FlowerFell番外篇 Anything For You(6)

“listen here fuckstain,” Sans spat and kicked the table to get the man’s attention, “you’re really lucky my wife is a pacifist. ‘cause if they weren’t,” his grin terrifying, sockets black, “you’d be dead where you stand.” An empty threat, but it got the point across.
Frisk wasn’t home yet when they got back. Good. It gave Sans time for some damage control.
Sans tossed Verdana on the couch and turned on some children’s programming. He quickly took Vivaldi over to the bathroom to tend to her injuries. Sitting her on the counter and inspecting her face.

FlowerFell番外篇 Anything For You(6)
