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[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 10 Legend of the Dragon(2)

2023-12-19英语成龙历险记西玉 来源:百合文库
“As for splendid mountains, when shall we go to Mount Jade?” Hsi Wu was always wanting to visit high places.
“Mount Jade? You mean the mountain set up for me?” Jade said.
“Apparently, you’re poor in geography. Mount Jade is the highest mountain in Forsa,” said Hsi Wu.
“No! Hang out here with Uncle first. Do you see the square ahead? Uncle used to perform drama here.” Uncle said, smiling.

[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 10 Legend of the Dragon

An old gentleman in a long gown walked by at this time.
“You are…Wing!”
“You’re Chan!” The old gentleman also recognized Uncle.
Uncle and Mr. Wing held each other’s hands tightly.
“Wing, haven’t seen you for 40 years! We used to learn drama together but you suddenly got addicted to Chi magic at that time so we went on our respective ways,” said Mr. Wing.
“I chose this road and look back, it’s also difficult. Wing, how are you doing?”

[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 10 Legend of the Dragon
