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[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 09 Evil Retreats(20)

2023-12-19英语成龙历险记西玉 来源:百合文库
The six broke out of Shadowkhan’s surround and got to the piano.
“Aiiee-yaahh! We have no samurai!”
“Hahaha, samurais have been in history. You have no way to defeat me now,” said Tarakudo.
“Tohru, you go to play the piano! Samurais’ blood is still flowing within you!” Jade said after brief thought.
“Me? Really?”
“Tohru, believe in yourself. This is the best opportunity for you to overcome your fears of Japanese Oni,” said Uncle.

[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 09 Evil Retreats

Tohru sat on the piano bench, adjusting his breath, and arousing the courage from the bottom of his heart. He played:
It’s not until you fall that you fly
When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable
The onion in Mother’s hand emitted a beam of light, hitting Tarakudo.
“No!” Tarakudo’s face twisted and he turned into a wisp of smoke. All Showdowkhan also disappeared.

[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 09 Evil Retreats
