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【羽生结弦同人】【羽我同在】第二十七章 秋之舞(2)

2023-12-17 来源:百合文库
金博洋插话:“She can enter here. Of course, Hanyu brought her here.”
“Ha ha ha!It seems that he is going to let the world know that he has a girlfriend.”
“He announced it a long time ago……”郁可盈想到了此前的发布会。
“This is called showing off!Is to abuse our single dog light bulb!”金博洋一脸酸:“Anyway, do you have any single friend,sisiter-in-law? I also want to have a girlfriend.”
“Sister-in-law?!”Bo叔一脸惊讶:“You got married so soon?”
“No no.”郁可盈尴尬地笑了笑,随即瞪了一眼旁边幸灾乐祸的金博洋:“He's just yelling and playing.”

【羽生结弦同人】【羽我同在】第二十七章 秋之舞

“Then go back and let Hanyu give him a good training.”
“The problem is that Hanyu is happy to hear him say so……”
“Let me help you teach them a lesson.”
“No!Mr Orser please show mercy!”
“Well, I have to tell him a few words. Excuse me.”
“The next contestant is the famous Japanese figure skater, and the Winter Olympic men's singles champion,Hanyu Yuzuru.”

【羽生结弦同人】【羽我同在】第二十七章 秋之舞
