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2023-12-01 来源:百合文库
One of its lowest recorded speeds is 35 km / h or 9.7 M / s, although it can reach a speed slightly slower than the speed of sound (more than several UH-60 helicopters with a maximum speed of 357 km / h or 99 M / s, while keeping up with the V-22 fish eagle with a maximum speed of 565 km / h or 156 m / s), It may be subsonic (we must catch up with the E-3 early warning aircraft before destroying it. The maximum speed of the E-3 early warning aircraft is 855 km / h or 237.5 M / s) sub relativistic perception (it can detect that its face can be seen faster than the image blocked by high-tech computers).


Overturned a half truck when the shelter failed. It can easily break through the reinforced wall and pass through several houses without obstruction.
Being able to walk 9339 meters downstream of the water alone, the at4 anti tank gun made a hole in its trunk without any impact. It was completely free from the damage of xm500 anti material rifle and gau-19, and survived the car accident. Able to withstand damage from scp-682. You can run all over the world without showing any signs of fatigue.

