Hero and Heroines(serial story)—Clarissa Hou
Chapter I Mission
Sisima Island was a rich and beautiful island. The year is 1543. Sisima was captured two months ago by Kadaloski Island. Sisima’s people nearly all have powers. Flying、predicting the future, basically, you name it, they have it. Kadaloski however is just a plain island with normal people. It took them 5 years to capture Sisima, so they don’t want it to “slip”. In order to do so, they forbade all magic. They captured adults and killed most, they leave the children and old along,but only because they hope the lack of use of their superpower will squeeze it out. But, “Superpower” is in the DNA. People rebelled by learning and teaching magic to the youngsters,hoping one day, one might save them from this horrible mess.