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超级正经的异世界正史21 海都与魔王(3)

2023-11-30 来源:百合文库
“I'm Caesa the First
starting the greatest crusade
the only left for you
is the second place
the chivalrous swinger
of the blade and mace
I‘ll kill you when I spit
for my glory for my sake
I‘m the number one Dick
make you feel yourself small

超级正经的异世界正史21 海都与魔王

my battling ram
cut throngh your tiny wall!”
“啊哈哈哈哈哈哈!”葛德文双手叉腰,站在凳子上,哈哈大笑起来,他摸了摸胡子,开口唱到,“Threatening to the Star Destroyer
Ragnarok shall always be bold
facing a king who got whacked
by just ten years old
your ship worth a gram of gold
when I drink a cup of mead
knowing nothing your flag can hold
you should sail back home
with your pirate goons
Cause I will tear down your legacy
leaving it in ruins!”

超级正经的异世界正史21 海都与魔王
