坦克与装甲车的废墟铺满了我目之所急的一切,燃烧的塑料以及橡胶所散发出的有毒黑烟遮盖住了那一整片的天空。两方各自的残军,手持着自己手中的武器穿行于其中。到处都是枪声,时不时还会传来手榴弹爆破的声音。而在这些声音之后传来的便是人们的咳嗽声,以及人们在临死之前的哀嚎声以及祈祷声。许许多多的人都将自己的灵魂献祭到了这场战争之中,就算真的活着走了出来。也早已成为了行尸走肉,而不断驱使着他们行动的。则是他们胸膛中不断燃烧着自己的火焰,那就是仇恨并在未来的某一天也会连同着自己以统被焚烧殆尽。The ruins of tanks and armored vehicles covered everything I saw, and the sky was covered with toxic black smoke from burning plastic and rubber. Remnants of both sides, weapons of their own in hand, are passing through. There was gunfire and the occasional grenade explosion. Behind these sounds came coughing, and the cries and prayers of the dying. Many sacrificed their souls in the war, even if they made it out alive. They have become the walking dead, constantly driven to action. The fire that burns in them is their own fire, and that fire is hatred, and it will burn with them one day.——《农田黑烟》作者: