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[成龙历险记|西玉|中长|全英]天行不息 01 The Spring Dance(3)

2023-11-30 来源:百合文库
Jade was about to say goodbye to Hsi Wu.
“Thank you for taking the head. No one’s ever done that for me”
“Hey, what’s a friend for?”
Jade went back to her house and did chores with Uncle’s apprentice, Tohru.
“Seymour’s not like any other kids in the school, we like the same things and he likes to listen to me. We’re like Yin and Yang, Yang and Yin!”
“Good and evil?” Tohru said.

[成龙历险记|西玉|中长|全英]天行不息 01 The Spring Dance

“Why don’t you ask him to the school dance?” After a brief silence, Tohru suggested.
“You mean a date? But I’m worried he wouldn’t come.”
The next day, Jade and Hsi Wu walked to the Rare Finds talking and laughing. Jade wore a necklace of half a copper coin and took out the other half, putting it on Hsi Wu.
“You and I are just like this pair of necklaces, cannot be apart!”

[成龙历险记|西玉|中长|全英]天行不息 01 The Spring Dance
