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上回我们见识到了巨神峰的魅力,而同样被它吸引的拉阔尔人在此定居下来,成为了这儿的守护者。本部分《山峦之间》(Life Around the Mountain)将介绍巨神峰下的教派和部族。
The Solari
①While nearly all Rakkor worship the sun, those who completely devote their lives to it are known as the Solari. As the dominant religious sect on Mount Targon, the Solari believe the sun is the source of all life--all other light sources are false, and a threat to the future of their people. Disciples are guided in the strictures of their faith by temple priests, who preach that if the sun was ever to fade, the world would be swallowed by darkness. Accordingly, Solari warriors stand ready to fight any who would extinguish its holy light.

