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「雷帕」Ðā willan a Begonia be bloom o'er  þæt wolcnu Part1(2)

2023-11-30雷帕凹凸学园生贺文 来源:百合文库
Who were they?
But he can still vaguely pronounce a few unfamiliar names: "Pe, Pelley and that, Ca,Camille have left for seven years.I almost forgot them.Palos is on my left in this photo.Alas,I can never see him again."

「雷帕」Ðā willan a Begonia be bloom o’er  þæt wolcnu Part1

Section I
Palos is a juvenile that Ray knew well. After being expelled from school, he was free but had nothing to do, so he planted a Begonia in his backyard; He didn't want to have any other activities except tapping the keyboard and taking care of his own flowers.

「雷帕」Ðā willan a Begonia be bloom o’er  þæt wolcnu Part1
