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The First Day of School(2)

2023-11-29剧本 来源:百合文库
Ann: brother, why are you carrying something strange on your back?
Ping: that's a schoolbag!
Ann: a schoolbag? Sounds delicious to me.
Ping: that's not food. Putting your schoolbag on your back proves you're going to school.
Ann: (twinkling) it turned out to be school. It seems to be fun. I want to go!
Ping: are you sure it's not easy to go to school?
Ann: yes! Yeah! I'm sure!
(one morning passed and it was noon)
An: brother, it turned out that school was so boring! I hardly played with anything in one morning.

The First Day of School

Ping: not necessarily! What about some fun at noon?
(jingling bell! The bell rang and the class began! The teacher came in)
Teacher: (happy) show the students crayons at noon today! 
Beep, beep, beep! The TV is on! Xiao Xin in the living room is rolling around)
Ann: (learning Xiao Xin boring) that's good.
Ping: (angry) get up for me! Get out of here! 
Ann: (puzzled) Why can he roll around on TV? 
Ping: (ironic tone) don't you think he's that stupid? 

The First Day of School
