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第二章 受伤(3)

2023-11-29剧情向 来源:百合文库

第二章 受伤

娜塔莉亚找到了一家旅馆,安顿好一切之后,她又看了看娜塔莎的伤。“Your injury may leave a scar later.”(你的伤可能会留疤)“God, bye bye bikini.”(天啊,再见了比基尼)娜塔莎看着蹲在旁边的娜塔莉亚说道。“Your injury is all right now, but at least you can't do strenuous exercise for a week.”(你的伤目前没事了,但是起码一周不能剧烈运动)“Well……”娜塔莎边说边坐起来靠在床头的靠垫上。“When this task is finished, you can go back to China to go to school.”(等这个任务做完,你就回中国上学吧)娜塔莎一副严肃认真的样子。
“I……”“Don't say no.”“I just want to say that by that time, all Chinese schools will have a winter vacation, and Chinese New Year is early this year.”(我只是想说,那个时候中国的学校都放寒假了,今年过年过得早)“Besides, I don't have anyone to accompany me when I go back to China for the New Year, so it's better to stay here with you.”(而且我回中国也没人陪我过年,不如留在这和你在一起)娜塔莉亚补充道。

第二章 受伤
