潮篡(三十) 棋与河-下 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇(5)
2023-11-29 来源:百合文库
“There’s no way to retreat.”
“I don’t want to regret once more.”
“If you can make it to that day, we’ll talk by then,” Dull Blue faded out its figure, “for now, you take care of all these mess.”
“I will,” Xue Niaoer also senses the animus-air of over ten thousand people roaring inside her body.
She pulls out Chi Li from her back and disappears within the forest mountains.
At this point of the night, animus-air adrift flowing outside have already reached a culmination. Smog-black animus-air is covering up every inch of the land of Yao Dynasty.
And the blood bleeding out from each animus-indebter (people who’re indebted of animus), is attracting ubiquity of animus-air to gnaw down the body.
Light-indebt are like veiling with mist, Weighted-indebt are like staining with ink.
Xue Niaoer witnessed these horrifying scenes, becomes more anXious to return home as soon as shoot.
Till she is appeased and arrived back to palace, Chu Han is still in a coma. Wang Gong gong warding by the side of bed, quickly stops her from approaching.
“I don’t want to regret once more.”
“If you can make it to that day, we’ll talk by then,” Dull Blue faded out its figure, “for now, you take care of all these mess.”
“I will,” Xue Niaoer also senses the animus-air of over ten thousand people roaring inside her body.
She pulls out Chi Li from her back and disappears within the forest mountains.
At this point of the night, animus-air adrift flowing outside have already reached a culmination. Smog-black animus-air is covering up every inch of the land of Yao Dynasty.
And the blood bleeding out from each animus-indebter (people who’re indebted of animus), is attracting ubiquity of animus-air to gnaw down the body.
Light-indebt are like veiling with mist, Weighted-indebt are like staining with ink.
Xue Niaoer witnessed these horrifying scenes, becomes more anXious to return home as soon as shoot.
Till she is appeased and arrived back to palace, Chu Han is still in a coma. Wang Gong gong warding by the side of bed, quickly stops her from approaching.