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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1291-1294】【含本章说(3)

2023-11-29 来源:百合文库
The Fool sounds like the most abstract out of all the deities. Everyone else seems to hold authorities relating to more "tangible", for lack of a Better word, concepts like war, order, time, space, life etc. "He" seems less like an god and more like an actual clown that just hAppens to wield great cosmic power. Though I suppose it makes more sense if you consider "him" just a small part of the larger "Mysteries".

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1291-1294】【含本章说

I always wondered with the cowardly trio controlling space and time, but the seer pathway seeming to have no connection to space and time until the Scholar of Yore, and how high level seer pathway would work with this space-time motif. even with this description, I don't know how The Fool relates to the Error and such. Maybe it has to do with bending and controlling the rules of mysticism and the universe? with Error and Fool being about exploiting loopholes and such.