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Myriad Colors Phantom World(无彩限的怪灵世界)原作小说剧透(结局)(13)

2023-11-28 来源:百合文库
Haruhiko vs HaruhikoFused HaruhikoVolume 3 I don't really want to summarize right now but it involves Touko attempting to crash Origin and Another together. Inori and her girls take the spot of Haruhiko for the first third and when all hell breaks loose, Inori has to team up with Mai's team to protect Origin while they wait for Haruhiko's return. Meanwhile Haruhiko is in Another with Riira and the Another girls fighting off the invasion from their side while destroying the reconstructed phantom factories that are pouring phantoms into Origin. So it's actually really neat how the parallel universe becomes its own thing instead of just being ignored or destroyed. Two Koitos yo.

Myriad Colors Phantom World(无彩限的怪灵世界)原作小说剧透(结局)
