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2023-11-23 来源:百合文库
Already in the ocean, not knowing the location, I decided to swim in the direction the ship was headed. Without food or water, time burred. I just swam, swam, and kept swimming. Pounding waves washed against me. The camera hindered me at that time, so after struggling to decide whether to keep it, I abandoned it. Constant swimming cost my energy; the boundless seal tortured my nerves. Floating rather than swimming, pushed by water rather than swimming by myself, dizzy rather than awake, I drifted away.
Dazzling sunshine awoke me, and I found myself lying on the beach with nobody around me. Where was I? I couldn’t know. Hunger and thirst urged me to walk into the forests, hoping to find some fruit. I didn’t see any person for days, only countless animals and insects. A totally different world from where I used to live. No smoke, no noise, no pollution. I loved it.


“So, you are here now?” that sound arose again.
“Yes, after several days.”
“Do you regret it?”
“Giving up the camera? No, not at all. If I didn’t do that, I would die.”
“No, I didn’t mean the camera. I meant the journey. You see, if you didn’t take the ship, you might live in the city safely and blissfully.”