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2023-11-23 来源:百合文库


A roar came from a distant place, and I stumbled in that direction. Under such circumstances, my face seems to be getting hotter and hotter. It was a huge "creature", with countless pipe like columns inserted into its rotten body. Between the dense pipes, it can barely be called rotten meat of the body. There is a big mouth on it, and the eyes are almost invisible. Maybe it found my eXistence, and it began to spit poison fog. The disgusting smell came, and the mental cells shouted to let me back. However, I suddenly found that its pipes were falling constantly, and some fell to the ground and were still wriggling. I found that there was a black figure shuttling Between the pipes. Maybe it was a little far away. I couldn't see what his weapon was. No wonder that thing hasn't come to trouble me for so long.

