一些笔记思路。some methods of notes taking(2)
share1 | SHer | noun1 a part or portion of a larger amount which is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute: under the proposals, investors would pay a greater share of the annual fees required | we gave them all the chance to have a share in the profits. • part proprietorship of property held by joint owners: Jake had a share in a large, seagoing vessel.
com·par·a·tive| kəmˈperədiv | adjective 1 perceptible by comparison; relative: he returned to the comparative comfort of his own home.
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com·par·a·tive| kəmˈperədiv | adjective 1 perceptible by comparison; relative: he returned to the comparative comfort of his own home.
生词以及 字典查出来解释的生词,不继续拓展,回来继续读。