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【自留】Fallen From Grace by V(40)

2023-11-23英文仅自留用 来源:百合文库
Chapter 8
It's finally been a month. At least the monsters down here actually keep the same calendar as the humans do. Toriel and Asgore treat me just like they do Asriel, as his equal, which is something I'm virtually always surprised by. Sure he gets jealous and sulks every once in a while but I think he knows the situation and is trying in his own way to adapt to it, which is nice. It's strange that I've been able to adapt so quickly, especially after Asgore kept telling me how important it was to stay inside. I had the whole 'what if they're gonna kill me aaaaah' thought, but nevertheless I think he's just concerned about me, and Asriel and Toriel seem to agree with him. I remember a couple of weeks ago Asgore told me, I was scared, but when Toriel agreed with him I just felt like it was validated, like that.

【自留】Fallen From Grace by V

Asgore built a bed for me, same dimensions as Asriel's, across the room where my mattress was. Toriel home-schools Asriel and of course she now teaches me too. And I can't remember anything else like… last time happening since. I once tried to ask Toriel what it meant but she couldn't tell me anything and quickly tried to change the subject.