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【自留】Fallen From Grace by V(33)

2023-11-23英文仅自留用 来源:百合文库
"Mom!" I hear Asriel call from the next room, as I start hobbling toward the sound, "The human's awake!"
"Oh, good." Toriel says, opening the door before I manage to reach it, "Come on in, my child." I happily agree, and shuffle in. Asriel's bouncing nearby.
"Good morning!" He says, sweetly, "Want me to take your plate?" I smile.
"No, I'll get it." I say, laying it neatly on a little table next to a blue armchair. Looking to my left, there's a table with four chairs around it, with one looking a little dustier than the others.

【自留】Fallen From Grace by V

"Dad really wants to meet you too!" Asriel bubbles, to which Toriel places her hand on his shoulder in a desperate effort to calm him down.
"There there, Asriel, calm down." She's laughing through her concerned act. She turns to me, "Yes, my husband is just in the kitchen now." She leans back, "Gorey! Come in! The human's awake!" I hear a pan drop as I look over to a passage at the back of the room, from which a male monster emerges. He's wearing a long, purple cloak over a set of gleaming golden armour. I take a step back. He has shimmering golden hair and a beard of the same vibrant colour, coupled with a set of long, regal looking horns. I swallow and look at the floor. He walks over, and stands above me, at least six feet above me, in fact. He looks down. I cautiously look back up, but to my surprise, he's beaming.