【自留】Fallen From Grace by V(15)
My dad is sitting in his chair again. Listlessly staring at the wall. He doesn't react to the opening of the door. He doesn't turn around to see me standing there. I look down at the knife and feel whatever emotions I had shrink away, somewhat. I keep it in my hand. I stay on my path, walking over. I flip it round, so the blade points down. I stare at him. His balding head. His skinny, bony body. The hairs growing listlessly with no way nor pursuit to guide them. My eyes dart from him to the blade, where they're reflected back at me. I look at myself. This is right, Chara. You'll be free, Chara. Don't feel bad, Chara. You're going to be free, Chara. My arm feels weak. You should be smiling, Chara. You should be smiling, too. The knife feels heavier in my hand. I look frantically down at my dad, back at the blade, to him again, then, the window. I see a glimpse of Mt. Ebott around the corner of a hill. Sloping up into the sky, the foot engrossed in trees. I bring the knife down. I breathe, slowly. I start walking for the door.
"Wh-," my dad starts to say, "Where are you going?" He asks. One hand on the door, I turn and face him.
"Wh-," my dad starts to say, "Where are you going?" He asks. One hand on the door, I turn and face him.