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Chapter 2 - Min Headroom①

2023-11-22vtubernijisanjiennoctyxfulgurovidlegatus505 来源:百合文库

Chapter 2 - Min Headroom①

Content Warnings: Mentions of suicide, emotional abuse, child neglect.
"We can get through this together." The voice of a man echoes through my mind. Its a calming voice. A little hoarse like my own, but deeper and more rich. A plow pushing through a blizzard. My neck and chest move as I try to drag myself up in bed, but I can't quite get the rest of my anatomy to respond. They told me that I'd lose movement as well as feeling. They were wrong. I lost the movement, bit by bit, but the feeling only changed. First there were thick socks on my feet, oven mitts on my hands, eventually layers of puffy winter clothes covered every part of my body up until my chest. All of which were now surging with electricity and fire. An intense pain I had experienced as far back as I can remember. Cramps, they thought at first, then spasms. Now it was constant and unceasing.

Chapter 2 - Min Headroom①
