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2023-11-23 来源:百合文库
"No, the speed of peas is very fast in history, and Sunflower can only be a cheerleader. How can she be comparable to Penny Pea."
"But the difference between them is that one is modest and the other is arrogant and indulgent."
"I really can't figure out how such a person (plant) can be ranked second. Is this a genius?"
Since the "genius" of Flare Flowers spread, almost everyone worships Solar Flare (study sports talent), but Penny Pea is not angry at all. When someone asked her why she was so calm, she replied, "I didn't do it first to make others admire me. Now there are people who are also very good. Everyone worships her. It doesn't affect me at all, so why should I be angry?"


Since Penny Pea's modest quality was seen by Solar Flare, Solar Flare took the initiative to make friends with Penny Pea, and Penny Pea readily agreed after seeing it, so the friendship between the two increased step by step.
After that, they were admitted to the same high school and the same university together, and both chose to major in mechanical technology.