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潮篡(二十七) 不堪 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇(8)

2023-11-22 来源:百合文库
“It’s dirty.”
Chu Han quietly stares at Xue Niaoer awhile, and said so.
Xue Niaoer kind of don’t know what to with him now. She throws the handkerchief to floor and says, “Wait here.” And then walks out the door.
Air freezed by the dark cold night, slowly instill into naked skin exposed in its space, and infinitely prolong the transitory time of waiting.
So cold.
So, it just gone?
Chu Han buttresses the back of waist with right hand and holds the bed pole with left hand, kneeling one knee on mattress as a support gravity, another leg struggles to try reaching his shoes under bed.

潮篡(二十七) 不堪 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇

Right on cue, sound of footsteps rises. He jumped up and twist to sit back on the wet sheet, wrapping both legs with quilt, watching Xue Niaoer walking closer towards him.
Xue Niaoer makes a turn and walks to the small nap bed on the side, takes off outer Shan and lays it on top of the bed. After that, she gives a stack of new silk hanky and a pair of pants folded neatly to Chu Han’s hands. She picks up the hanky on the most top and cleans off snot and tear on his face.
“Feels awful?”

潮篡(二十七) 不堪 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇
