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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1266-1267】【含本章说】(35)

2023-11-22 来源:百合文库
That’s if your thinking logically though. Both Amon & Adam have abilities that could potentially flout all logic. I mean Amon just showed that he was capable of stealing the 1st Blasphemy Slate which is directly connected to the Chaos Sea so it’s not impossible for him to be able to steal the Authority over an unrelated Sefirot especially if he becomes a true god. Same could said for Adam and as the sons of the Ancient Sun God, a person most likely from the Earth Epoch, they probably know way more than their telling us so who knows what loop holes exist in all is this.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1266-1267】【含本章说】

a thousands of years old scheme
Both of Evernight Goddess and Earth mother get everything they need except sefirot to reach above the sequence.
So Omebella has always been an Angel. I suspect at some point in time, perhaps when the moon got taken over by an outer god, Lilith was forced to change to the planter pathway in order not to be corrupted. Maybe at that time she made a trade using her own moon uniqness with Evernight for the planter uniqness and had a deal to trade it back with one uniqueness that Evernight needs eventually. Evernight being able to conceal probably helps resist the corruption from that outer god much better than Lilith. Now Lilith just got to trade back her original moon uniqness. So on this front, both Lilith and Evernight just needs their sefriot to ascend? Considering the title of the next book, I expect it would be about the True Creator attempting to deal with the traitors and secure more of his pathway (will he eventually have to deal with Adam too to ascend?), he already sort of have the sefriot too. Leftover unsecured(?) pathways is Demoness group, Black Emperor group (fingers crossed for Roselle), Fate, Savant group, mutant group and Seer group. Also that one sefriot bound to the lamp guy (cough it back out you sucker).