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潮篡(二十六) 嗜血 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇(6)

2023-11-22 来源:百合文库
She arrives at the river leading to Gao’s village again, and jumps down to the river. After half of incense burned, she’s all wet and walking back to wherever she started, sitting in a trance for a while. Then, she gets up and find a tree, scrappy carving down the location where she jumped onto the trunk with her sword, and jumping into river once more.
Jumping until sky gloaming.
Bloody red on her palms gradually fills up the line of sentiment. Small amount of dull blue starts soaking into her black irises. Power of oppression wane.

潮篡(二十六) 嗜血 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇

Xue Niaoer is unable to hold still anymore. The sword got stuck into soggy loess of bankside, with one of her kneecaps kneeling down to the ground.
And the voice of dull blue rises in her head, “Just give up, you can stand longer no more. Why not zonk out early to avoid bearing these much woe.”
“I will not run away anymore,”Xue Niaoer brusquely draws out the sword. Get back to the place where Xiao He asleep and take back Chi Li (the name of the sword called魑璃), then she blended into darkness.
Day after day, she will come to the bankside, repeatedly seeking the source of peach and bliss in nihility, however, the hope to find back Gao’s village faint less and less.