余城历险记/A postmodern bartender's metaphor 故事大纲 &第一章(4)
Wendy was trembling, crying and almost falls onto her knees, she could barely remember how it call begins. There are only a few seconds left and yet she know it could be her only chance, to say goodbye to her friend. The eternity is right in front of her, and so is the abyss.
Chapter Zero: Abigail's crappy poem
You thought that this is the end didn't you
Chapter I: New Year's EveThis is the life bobobobobo~那是纺织工坊的新年集会,寒风瑟瑟的从工坊的顶棚刮过,风呜呜的响,工会的工人们围坐在火炉旁烤火休息
“我们的顶棚可能漏风了,年前工会通知下来了,我们会搬到新的厂房继续工作” 工会领袖说完,默默的扫视着众人
“那我们的纺织机?” 工人A说话了,语气中充满好奇