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潮篡(二十五) 除夕夜吃点甜 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇(15)

2023-11-21 来源:百合文库

潮篡(二十五) 除夕夜吃点甜 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇

Xue Niaoer holding Chu Han’s hand all the way until they run into an alley and stop.
Chu Han’s gasping for air, “Seems like your brain’s stupidity won’t change, no matter you’re man or woman.”
“Doesn’t Bi Xia(you) prefer me to be a woman?”
“He (pronounce as a sound with disdain, not subject “he”),” Chu Han turns away his head to stop looking him anymore.
“So does that mean, Bi Xia want me to become woman again?” Xue Niaoer’s eyes deepen, lowering his head, getting closer and closer, slowly.

潮篡(二十五) 除夕夜吃点甜 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇
