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潮篡(二十五) 除夕夜吃点甜 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇(2)

2023-11-21 来源:百合文库
He is wearing Twelve Mian Liu crown, sitting with his back straight to hold his deportment as an emperor. Though his waist and legs are suffering extreme pain as if they are numb, he must not allow himself to expose any weakness.
At the period of Shen, the banquet finally ended. Chu Han takes off his thick and heavy outer Shan right after he gets back to his palace and throws it to Wang gong gong.
Facing the pile of Zou Zhe on desk increasing without any sign of decrease, Chu Han laid his hands off.

潮篡(二十五) 除夕夜吃点甜 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇

He sits on the chair at the desk and put his feet onto that pile of paperwork to show his disdain.
In these few months, Chu Han had lost much weight, and his facial contour become even sharper than before. Flesh of his whole body seems to all piled up in his abdomen, which bend his backbone easily.
Hence, he has no choice but to move up a bit to correct his sitting position, but he is so piss off because of it.
So later on, he lies down on belly to press his protuberant belly against the bed while enduring nausea striking like tsunami along with stomach that whines like crazy.