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18章 混乱之域

2023-11-21 来源:百合文库

18章 混乱之域

白皇后:“we have a job to do,There's a problem in the Realm of Chaos. We need to meet up with our contact there. He has an item on hand that needs to be moved.(我们有活干了,混乱之域出问题了,我们得和那里的接头人会合,他那手头上的一件物品急需转移。)”
我:“I know a little bit about the realm of chaos, but I don't know exactly where that place is, and why there is such a place, what's so special about that place?(混乱之域,我有一点点了解,但是我不知道那个地方具体在哪里呀,以及为什么会有那么个地方,那个地方到底有什么特别的?)”
白皇后:“That place is a ridiculous group, inadvertently activated an Orokin delivery point through the interpretation experiment, then produced 4 corresponding delivery points near the night of the night, the West's transfer point is to the magic block,The transfer point of the North is to go to the shadow block. The transfer point by the East is to play the peacock planet. The transfer point of the south is unknown. This action is because there is a creature called DIO to escape into the Shadow Street.This organism is extremely harmful to our joints, so he asked us to destroy it.(那个地方是荒坂集团,无意间通过传识实验激活了一个奥罗金人的传送点,然后在夜之城附近生成了4个对应的传送点,靠西的传送点是去往魔法街区的,靠北的传送点是前往暗影街区的,靠东的传送点是去玩孔雀星球的,靠南的传送点传送地点不明,这次行动是因为有一个名叫DIO的生物逃进暗影街区了,这个生物对我们的接头人危害极大,所以他请求我们去消灭它)”