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【圣诞特辑】Whistling Dick's Christmas Stocking ——O. Henry(3)

【圣诞特辑】Whistling Dick’s Christmas Stocking ——O. Henry

Whistling Dick's red head popped suddenly back into the car. A sight too imposing and magnificent for his gaze had been added to the scene. A vast, incomparable policeman rounded a pile of rice sacks and stood within twenty yards of the car. The daily miracle of the dawn, now being performed above Algiers, received the flattering attention of this specimen of municipal official splendour. He gazed with unbiased dignity at the faintly glowing colours until, at last, he turned to them his broad back, as if convinced that legal interference was not needed, and the sunrise might proceed unchecked. So he turned his face to the rice bags, and, drawing a flat flask from an inside pocket, he placed it to his lips and regarded the firmament.

【圣诞特辑】Whistling Dick’s Christmas Stocking ——O. Henry
