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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【930-932】(2)

2023-11-13 来源:百合文库
Not too much of a surprise that the True Creator has control over some of the Hunter Pathway since ‘He’ used to be close allies with Medici before ascending to become a god. Medici didn’t die till later on either so it can reasonably be assumed they maintained their relationship even after that. Hunter pathway is pretty widespread too with the Sauron, Einhorn and Medici families all having access to high sequence potions as well as sharing some formulas with their (Intis, Feysac) governments.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【930-932】

I’ve also wondered why even if they Gods have potions they rarely develop organizations or believers of Pathways other than their own and especially Pathways that don’t connect. Just like the Evernight Church refusing to develop Seer Pathway beyonders and evening hiding the fact they have the formulas from lower leveled members. It seems like the True Creator is the only exception to this rule as we now know he has subordinates belonging to all of the Secrets Suppliant, apprentice and Hunter Pathways at minimum.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【930-932】
