彼得×你 Give me a kiss(2)
“Well, just,,,just take off my mask,then give a slightly kiss on my lips while I'm still hanging upside down from the ceiling ... ”他推了推自己脖颈处的衣料,“Damn it, I forgot that the one Mr. stark made for me is One-piece suit.”他有点气恼沮丧,开始自言自语。
"Well, maybe I'll kiss you on the mouth when we all go to college.High school students still need to be restrained."你打断他,隔着面具,亲了一下他的脸颊。
"Pay attention to safety,I need to discuss group work with you when you back."你捏了一下你17岁的小男朋友,他面罩上的蜘蛛复眼轮廓变化,看得出来很高兴。但他依然埋怨了你一句。
“You always think I'm a kid.You are obviously the same age as me! OK,I will come back early.”他发射蛛丝,很快的爬走执行任务去了。尽管你和他一般年龄,但女孩总比男孩早熟点,Peter在一些事情上比你幼稚许多。
你爱的就是他的幼稚。年少青涩的爱情,简单坦诚。Peter每次做完任务之后都不忘给你带点什么,一束花,或者几包饼干,几颗糖。你知道战斗的场所不会有这些,大概率是他求着Mr. Stark 或者 Cap 预支他一点零花钱绕远路去买的。因此你从不嫌弃礼物的简陋,开开心心的收下然后给Peter一个拥抱,安静的坐在他身边,听他唠叨敌人如何凶猛。
“I'm back. Here's a little trophy for you.”待到傍晚,Peter才再次出现在你的房间门口,手里拎着两杯奶茶。
“So, let me see what you have written for our group work.”他坐进你房间的地毯,单手撑着脑袋,研究你扔在茶几上的论文。
"Well, maybe I'll kiss you on the mouth when we all go to college.High school students still need to be restrained."你打断他,隔着面具,亲了一下他的脸颊。
"Pay attention to safety,I need to discuss group work with you when you back."你捏了一下你17岁的小男朋友,他面罩上的蜘蛛复眼轮廓变化,看得出来很高兴。但他依然埋怨了你一句。
“You always think I'm a kid.You are obviously the same age as me! OK,I will come back early.”他发射蛛丝,很快的爬走执行任务去了。尽管你和他一般年龄,但女孩总比男孩早熟点,Peter在一些事情上比你幼稚许多。
你爱的就是他的幼稚。年少青涩的爱情,简单坦诚。Peter每次做完任务之后都不忘给你带点什么,一束花,或者几包饼干,几颗糖。你知道战斗的场所不会有这些,大概率是他求着Mr. Stark 或者 Cap 预支他一点零花钱绕远路去买的。因此你从不嫌弃礼物的简陋,开开心心的收下然后给Peter一个拥抱,安静的坐在他身边,听他唠叨敌人如何凶猛。
“I'm back. Here's a little trophy for you.”待到傍晚,Peter才再次出现在你的房间门口,手里拎着两杯奶茶。
“So, let me see what you have written for our group work.”他坐进你房间的地毯,单手撑着脑袋,研究你扔在茶几上的论文。