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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1006-1022】(42)

2023-10-31 来源:百合文库
The better spider weaves the better trap.
Is Trissy a demigod already? What makes her so confident she can deal with a demoness of unaging? Why is she even involving herself? Because of Edesack? I thought she didn't like him.
(回复一楼) Zacc
It seems like she actually fell for him, and hates herself for doing so. She's full of self loathing for her falling for a man. At least that's my read on it.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1006-1022】

She should be demigod now. She said she sold herself to Primordial Demoness, so she is a real Blessed.
As for her feelings for Edesack, it's real complex. They were both manipulated to love each other, but Trissy was aware about it and struggled repeatedly hoping to run away. In the end, upon realization of the truth, the Prince chose to let her go, hoping that she would survive. This made her confused, unable to comprehend about his choice. That's why she repeatedly scorned about "love". I think her feelings about Edesack isn't simply love, but a more complicated mixture of love, hate, empathy, anguish, anger, humiliation and more. He represents her helpless past and suffering, and at the same time the only real concern she has ever received. All these makes her wanting to destroy the source that created this distorted relationship. It's a revenge for him, and also the revenge for herself.