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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【949-953】(14)

2023-10-30 来源:百合文库

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【949-953】

Evernight Goddess - Pray sincerely and have a formula delivered. There’s no way it’s actually that easy - right? I imagine the Goddess would be quite interested in the fact that Adam obtained 0-08. Perhaps he could use that information in trade for the next formula?
Now that Klein has reached Sequence 4 it’s possible for his next advancements to swap to Similar Sequences. I don’t think this is too likely personally and we know far too little about where to obtain the Sequence 3 Marauder and apprentice formulas do it’s hard to brainstorm. The only solid lead available at the moment is Pallez Zoroast but Klein doesn’t have anything to offer in exchange right now. Based on Azik’s description of Parasites many higher Sequence powers require the Parasite Potion as a foundation so switching to Marauder probably isn’t too suitable. As for apprentice there are no leads at all unless Klein can figure out a way to communicate with Mr. Door from Roselle’s Diary or through Fors. Even if Sequence 7 Doria Gray could somehow get the Sequence 3 potion there’s no reason he would be willing to give it to Klein. Let alone Fors who is also only Sequence 7.