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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【941】【含本章说】(18)

2023-10-31 来源:百合文库
Last chapter, we learned about Ince Zangwill's plan in advance, so there was no way it would entirely work out. Conversely, in this chapter, we discover that Klein has been planning offscreen, which increases the chance that his plans *will* work out.
The beauty of this situation: adhering to this trope is not just good storytelling; it's also a good strategy in-story due to the passive detection ability of 0-08.
哈哈,这一章简直就是“只有不说出口的计划才能正常执行”的故事套路的完美体现。TV Tropes的一句经典名言就是:“一个计划成功的几率与观众事先知道多少计划的内容成反比”。

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【941】【含本章说】

Wtf did I miss a few chapters?!
Leonard has a transparent glove he used for teleporting with Daly, when did that happen? Klein lent Creeping Hunger to him? That Fate Siphon charm too.
Klein noticing the genial priest as Adam from Danitz' previous prayers? Again when the eff ??? You can't just drop that info in 2 lines between Angel level showdown come on... I missed Klein prep time chapters 😭