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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【933-937】【含本章说】(8)

2023-10-30 来源:百合文库
Well unlike our dear MC, others don't usually go on a sprinting speed of ascending sequences also she is already in a high sequence.. And people don't usually ascend left and right when on such high sequence(hard as ravagings gets more severe lack of materials insufficient digestion insufficient quota etc).. .. So even if she needed them incrediants... It won't be anytime soon.... . Ofc I am not entirely sure if she is a spirit or not but neither of them are confirmed yet

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【933-937】【含本章说】

嗯,不像我们亲爱的主角,其他人一般来说并不会以这种冲刺的速度疯狂上分的,而且她已经是个高序列了……而且在这么高序列的人一般都不会四处打架(因为呓语变得更加严重 缺少材料 无法消化 序列名额不足,等等)……所以即使她需要异种的材料……也不会有这么快……当然我也不确定她到底是不是恶灵,但不管哪种可能性现在都没有确认
I'm not talking about characteristics needed for advancement. In this paragraph, Daly is saying that craving for characteristics of their own pathway is a trait of evil spirit, because they need it as the foundation of their existence, so that they can move freely outside the place they died. The point is, if they don't consume characteristic (not necessarily same level as them, even low seq characteristics will do), evil spirit will slowly cease from existence. Miss messenger clearly don't have this trait. That's why I said She is probably not an evil spirit.