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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【913-916】(8)

2023-10-30 来源:百合文库
Maybe that snake was his original self and he split of his humanity in an attempt to free himself from mortal emotions? Maybe in preparation to advance to sequence 0? Or this is the artificial death and they crafted it in his image?
This should be Artificial Death. Azik it’s impossible for Azik to have been striving for Sequence 0 since he is only Sequence 2. While Death was alive at Sequence 0 Sequence 1s couldn’t exist and Azik was immediately injured and lost upon his death. Also if this was his original self why does he still have emotions when he wakes up?

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【913-916】

This brings up a different issue though. I somehow doubt since they are calling it artificial Death that they made this by raising and combining sequence 1’s over the last millennium or so. Also what Appears to be a piece of Azik is just a mole on the thing. What if this is like death’s corpse or something and Azik was used to stabilize it?