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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【817-823】(11)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
(回复一楼) XianWu
yeah indeed.....more readers now
Woah, rank 2 and only a thousand powerstone away from 1... Good job guys!!
I wonder if the wandering poet she saw is someone from the Church of the Evernight. She was probably made to dream a dream of what happened.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【817-823】

Gold mask is confirmed to be an MI9 demigod, likely Sequence 3. He’s also in on whatever is going on with the royal family and whatever they tried to hide using the great smog as a distraction. Viscount Stratford also appears to be in on it since he ‘encouraged’ Eddesak to commit ******* and Trissy plans on investigating him. Even Walter was suspicious.
All these beg the question of why Gold Mask wants to investigate Stratford. Some kind of internal strife? He suspects Stratford is a traitor or wants to proactively prevent such a thing? Perhaps he is still on the outside of the matter and got orders from the royal family to participate in the great smog without knowing why and is therefore trying to learn more? Is he looking for someone specific? He’s just relying on Stratford to find said person or seeing that person will confirm guesses of his? No matter what it seems like not everyone is perfectly united in the Augustus faction. Really begs the question what did they already do and what’s their overall goal to be willing to give up so much. They even let church personnel into the military!